it's 7:00 am, on November 24, 2015 - what would sith be nostalgic about anyway.


remember me, dear internet?

me either. this week has been weird; an exercise in attempting to recreate a nostalgia for something that wasn't really there, trying to live in a moment on someone's deck in the middle of june, grilling and listening to music and drinking sangria.

reality check: that was a single evening among people who hate. you. stop trying to go back there.

so basically I'm cooking a lot this week and next week, doing dinner a couple of nights and having people over. my stomach is all twisted in knots -- what if things go wrong, it has been so long since I've done a huge meal, what if I forget how to do this -- but mostly: what if this isn't the way I remember it?

reality check no. 2: it won't be. for starters, you don't actually like these people as much as the ones you miss.

it takes a lot of gall to be nostalgic for an era full of people who sort of hate your guts. this sith lord, however, is capable.


The current mood of at


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