it's 9:56 pm, on March 11, 2018 - justin and lance, if yr wondering.


boy howdy I wrote a couple real romantic fanfics didn't i

too bad I legit can't remember who I was thinking of when I poured love into those words, amirite? whoops.

rereading one of these, which is a true love story, and like. these thoughts on romance and sticking it out came from someone, p sure. but. who? my memory doesn't hold any kind of story like this. strange, echoing hollow rooms where these feelings used to reside.

maybe-- maybe I just made it up. that seems more likely.


I got to the end. it says "bet you a smoothie." now I know who inspired hope in this shrivelled heart. hindsight: ironic. better than painful.


The current mood of at


bruise - November 19, 2018
- - August 30, 2018
- - August 07, 2018
- - June 07, 2018
perpetual motion bruise - March 22, 2018
