it's 3:56 a.m., on 2001-05-18 - more surrrrvey.


So, like, that last entry was dull and history and, weepy on my part. Here's more survey I stole off Rae.

Full Name: Disa.

Nicknames: Lise

DOB: March 6th, 1982.

Sex: Female.

Height: five nothing, feet.

Hair Color: dark brown

Eye Color: brown

Location: Vancouver.

Do you make fun of people: Yeah.

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: Nope.

One pillow or two?: One.

Pets: Leopard gecko, and a mean budgie.

Favorite Type of Music: I have the north-south, east-west music split.

Words or Phrases you overuse: like, man, motherfucker.

Favorite Food: I eat anything.

Do you get along with your parents: Pretty much.

Favorite Ice Cream: Mint. Or cookie dough.

Favorite Soft Drink: Coke.

Favorite Website: Or, I dunno. Diaryland, yo. I'm an exhibitionist.

Least Favorite Subject in School: Gym and physics.

Favorite Sport to Watch: Rugby. I have no idea of the rules but they look like they're trying to kill each other.

Things I've learned from life: Um.

Favorite number: Nada.

Favorite color: Nada. I don't think I do favorites.

Greatest experience in your lifetime: Dunno. Most of my travel stories are favored.

Why are you here on earth?: To enjoy myself.

Drinking habits: Bah. Rae said dancing on tables, or under them. I say, be yourself.

Do you believe in reincarnation?: Nada.

Would you rather be deaf or blind?: Blind.

If you found out your best friend was gay/lesbian, what would you do?: Um. You go, girlfriend.

Do you consider yourself a good listener?: I try. But I don't think so. I'm far too self-absorbed.

Would you rather be short or tall?: Tall, because I'm short.

Do you like to dance?: Yeah, baby. I'm just no good.

Do you like to talk on the phone?: Not good with the communication thing.

Would you rather go on a walk or watch tv?: Stealin' rae's answer, TV. Lazy.

If you could change your name, what would it be?: Here's one of those questions I make way more complicated than it should be.

If you were in a theater and someone was crying, would you laugh?: Possibly.

Have you ever thought you were going to die?: Uh, not that I recall. Not with any terror.

What little known talents do you possess?: Nada.

Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?: Probably. They're good enough for the lizards.

If you could be any animal what would you be?: Horned lizard. So I could go out into the middle of the desert and stay there.

What is your favorite gum?: Nada.

How do you eat an Oreo?: I dunno.

Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork?: Nah.

Do you eat the stems of broccoli?: Won't eat the other bit. I hate the bushy parts of brocolli. Ahem.

Dream Job: Gypsy.

Fav Movie: Probably fight club.

What does your name mean: More complications.

High school graduation year: 1999.

What's on your mousepad: 'women in antiquity' from the UBC library.

In the car - ac or windows: Windows. AC is too much.

Favorite game: Monopoly. I like to be the big mob-banker.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I don't want to.

First thought in the morning: Lately it's been what the fuck time is it in Israel.

Rollercoasters- deadly or exciting: They make me sick.

How many rings before you answer the phone: Lots. I never answer the phone.

What is your zodiac sign: Pisces.

What's on your walls in your room: A menu, and some dust.


The current mood of at


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