it's 9:43 am, on September 24, 2001 - rumi on the road.


So it seems that, for twenty minutes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, I'm going to be updating my journal. From nine thirty to nine fifty, I'll talk about myself in too much detail, and perhaps discuss poetry.

I really need to stop reading inspirational things on the train. Today I was full to bursting, and I must admit, I almost cried. A little. This is what I'm full with:

You bind me, and I tear away in a rage to open out
into air, a round brightness, a candlepoint,
all reason, all love.

This confusing joy, your doing,
this hangover, your tender thorn.

Mostly, though, it's this: What goes comes back. Come back. --We never left each other.

This made me feel so much for the love poetry that I'll probably never find, and the thing about it is, this isn't love poetry. It's religion.

This isn't love poetry but that's good, because I don't think I'm in love.


Also, I almost cried with this. At this. For this. All of these:

This we have now
is not imagination.

This is not
grief or joy.

Not a judging state,
or an elation,
or sadness.

Those come
and go.

This is the presence
that doesn't.

This is not, this is, this says so much. This is everything I was thinking, we all are, this, this.

This is.

See you on wednesday.


See, I wrote all that, and then I read claire and she reminded me that Pietje went out west. And I thought, 'oh, that bears mentioning, just like the coke addict bore mentioning, and the wtc bore mentioning, and the sunlight on the train bore mentioning.'

But I forgot it all in the face of 'What goes comes back. Come back'.

Anyway, Al went out west; claire got a postcard from her. It made me remember, 'hey, call the ex-landlord, see if he's got mail for me' -- not from Al because I'm not hoping anymore, but from maybe, Columbia house and maybe, someone.

I'm not really hoping in that direction anymore either.

What goes comes back. I'll be back. I'm in myself, and I'm doing fine.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
