it's 10:05 am, on October 19, 2001 - cereal-bar quickie.


So I have just enough time for a salad quickie, or maybe not even that much, because in fifteen minutes I'm going to be writing a test on the Iliad and Sappho, and then I'm going to be writing a test on bronze-age art and architechture in Greece.

Then I'm going to sleep for an hour in the most convenient chair, then go learn latin and hopefully get my midterm back and find out that I did okay, I did fine, not badly which is what I'm afraid of. Then I'm going to go home and sleep some more.

Once I wake up, whenever the fuck that is, I'm going to write some serious Oasis story. Like, I want that motherfucker *done*. Soon.

Maybe I'll just reread 'human behavior' and remember what it's like to like badfic so much that you actually want to reread it.

Angel wrote a sad!Lance story this morning, and I just read it right before this test. I think it's an omen. He cheated on JC with Joey, once, and then JC broke up with him and said, 'that's it, it's over', and Lance turned to Joey for comfort and Joey gave it, gave it all up, but Joey's straight, so lance is alone now.

As always, I want to say.

Anyway, that's about all I have time for. This isn't really even a salad-quickie; more like a bite of a cereal bar. Hope everyone's enjoyed breakfast.


The current mood of at


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