it's 4:12 am, on December 29, 2001 - turkeyheads.


This is me, vowing to update -- because I told River I would -- but not about anything I've been talking about lately, because as I told claire, I'm going to let all my thoughts about love for anyone and everyone simmer.

I'll just say,

Ofekriver: -- er. I understand some of it all too well. But not the main big love part.
thissugarcane: *nod* I don't either. I understand love in regards to the lack of it.
Ofekriver: What we've learned here is that love tastes better when it's gone?
Ofekriver: I still think that's the scariest quote ever.

So, that pot on the backburner, I'll pull something else to the forefront; and let's make it River, since she said I needed to update more.

Last night we talked all night again. It was good. It was really good. I fizz, thinking about it. Also, it was good. Did I mention it was good? We were vibing for the first time in a long time; not only that, we co-wrote.

Also, we found an explanation of post-modernism, that for Xander I'll paste. I don't know if it works, rereading it, but it amused me at five in the morning, so it must have been important at one time, and therefore for all time.

Ofekriver: English's missing at least two sounds, you know that?
thissugarcane: Really?--that doesn't surprise me.
Ofekriver: Ehh. We're superior.
thissugarcane: Probably. *G* We say things like 'bobble' and 'pudding' and they're real words.
Ofekriver: Bobble. Bobble. I like that.
Ofekriver: And we use pudding too, we just don't eat it.
thissugarcane: Just say it to yourself. "bobble". "bobblehead". "Lance bobblehead". It sounds like something that Pratchett made up. --pudding isn't really for eating. You throw it at people or you feed it to other people. It wobbles too much to eat for real.
thissugarcane: Again! 'wobble'.

[and then some time passed, in which we discussed Dexcon and Lance and Justin a lot, and then, she started pasting her quote file.]

Ofekriver: thissugarcane: Y'know. um. and. ...gah.
-Lise Williams in a real life AIM conversation

Ofekriver: You get proper representation further up there, but, you know, I think this line is. Like. The definition of post modern.
thissugarcane: Probably. since post-modernism defies all definition from the front. has to be examined from the side.
Ofekriver: I'm soonsoonsoonish going to read a book on what exactly is post modernism and why it's bad. Then I can attempt it properly, I guess.
thissugarcane: I think though, that's it. Post-modernism is only, when it's not. Or something.
thissugarcane: It's like pudding.
thissugarcane: or 'wobble'.
thissugarcane: 'Post-modernism', you'd say to yourself, and then you could say 'bobble' and it's the same thing. They both sound like made-up words, and they both are.

thissugarcane: All I know of post-modernism is that it deconstructs everything. Which means that lots of things wobble.

Which was deconstructed into giggling about words like 'cobblestone' and hobbling to turn the lights on so Riv could see to type -- maybe it lost something in the translation from the doing of it to the recording of it. A lot of things do.

River, so she says, is going to try and come to America next summer.

I say, rock on. I could say a lot more things, like, I could quote Pink and say "I'm goin' to California", but rock on works too.

This is an update because River told me to. She's not going to be impressed, I don't think; most of what I updated was not me, but her. Updating someone is always exciting, though, so if it can't be me, it might as well be her. It kind of feels like we're sharing a brain again, after all these years.

"So. We finally did that, huh?" Justin sounds gravelly and Lance drops the shirts and starts looking for tea or something. Justin stands up and grabs Lance's arm, making a sound that's almost like a laugh. "Lance. Isn't this the part where we talk?"

"Sure." Lance doesn't shiver but he almost does. "What do we say?"

Did I share that already? I should have. Since I shared that, I'll also share what the answer should be, which is, "we shouldn't have to say. So let's just get back there", and then they should have found a way to get back there. And then they would. And then they'd have hot sex, the end.

I wonder if I like them because they remind me of Ricky and Iz? I never thought of it that way, but surely, surely, if Izzy is diva-ish then the solid, manic, reliable Lance would be his fort-builder. They don't need anyone in the way that they need each other.

You know, the Bobby farm is the first constellation I remember ever having with you. I'm still fond of it. One day we'll redo the star charts; surely, surely, a few more have snuck in there, like Justin and Chris, surely, and maybe even a few WMF-as-real-life-programming for fun.


All three of the other guys remark on it. Lance is just the first one to put it quite that way. "Y'all speak your own little language," he says, when Chris has walked into the lounge, and Justin makes a little chuckling noise. Chris cocks his head, and Justin looks up and meets his eyes, and twists his mouth to one side and raises his eyebrows. Then Chris raises his eyebrows and looks away from Justin quickly, then back. Justin smiles more broadly. Chris nods slowly, and Justin shakes his head and laughs outright. "Shut up," Chris says, and tackles Justin. They wrestle on the floor, both giggling.

Chris scoffs, and Justin snorts derisively. But later when they're on the bus with just Joe, at breakfast, Justin meets Chris's eyes over Joe's head and they decide like that to play a practical joke on Joe. He doesn't even figure out that they've hidden and not eaten his leftover lasagna until he finds most of his clothes not in his duffel, but in the living room in the back. He tickles both of them and promises to beat Chris at Playstation later, and rolls his eyes. He thinks it was funny, but he sort of wants to be exasperated. He leaves them in the bunks and goes back to the bathrooms.

"Good use of our secret language," Chris says then, and he's only partly joking, and he knows that Justin knows that. Justin smiles and jerks his chin up, a visual Yo. Chris realizes it only reinforces Lance's point that he immediately understands what that means. He knows it will become an in-joke.

"Hitch". Because.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
