it's 9:54 pm, on April 21, 2002 - enlightenment on the beach.


I quoted "to be able to let that which does not matter truely slide", which is fight club. And then Kitty and I had this conversation:

WckdVirtue: to be able to do that would be like attaining... fuck, what was Siddartha after? a higher level of consciousness or some such.
thissugarcane: nirvana?
WckdVirtue: yeah. but there was a name for it, and it wasn't that.
thissugarcane: oh.
thissugarcane: Um.
thissugarcane: ...
thissugarcane: I dunno.
thissugarcane: Me and spirituality don't often mix. ;)
WckdVirtue: mine has been gone for awhile. i don't expect it back until after i graduate.
thissugarcane: *nod*
WckdVirtue: separation of church and state, and all that.
thissugarcane: ahhh, yes.
WckdVirtue: oh! Enlightenment!
WckdVirtue: that was it.
thissugarcane: enlightenment!
thissugarcane: hah.
thissugarcane: as opposed to nirvana. speaking of making things more complicated than they are.
WckdVirtue: hah!
WckdVirtue: It took the Sidd guy a lifetime of alternately indulging in excessive pleasures of the flesh and self-mortification. Com-pli-CA-ted!
thissugarcane: I just wanna go to the fucking beach.
WckdVirtue: any specific reason? or just Bobby's influence.
thissugarcane: Oh, bobby, yeah. that was a major influence. but like, where better to let all the unimportant things slide but at the beach?
WckdVirtue: wash away with the tide
WckdVirtue: blow away in the breeze.
thissugarcane: Forget all the deep thinking and excesses and soul searching. I'm just gonna build sandcastles. --exactly.
WckdVirtue: poetic things like that.
thissugarcane: amen.
WckdVirtue: things are peaceful and simple at the beach. it's uncomplicated. and that's what we want. there isn't much you can do at the beach, other than soak up the sun, and that's the point.
WckdVirtue: get down to the bare bones of what you want and need and then just go with it. oh, and bring sunblock.
thissugarcane: a-men.

This is my nirvana. Hawaii. Also Kits.

Related news: Will last night. He was kind of too Holden for comfort. I don't know why. The whole thing makes me uncomfortable. But that doesn't matter.

Three days until I fly to Knoxville. My stomach's kind of in knots.


The current mood of at


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