it's 11:26 pm, on January 04, 2003 - twins.


I feel like I should be updating this, but really there's nothing at all to say.

feeling really run down lately. not sad and unhappy, just, tired. all the time. people call up and I'm all, "oh, yes!" and try and get out of going places and doing things.

think it's just the leftover flu from toronto. still sick. don't know.

should mention, though, my overabundance of love for twins lately. specifically, the twins in the harry potter books. fred and george may very well be my new fandom. just to let you know.

nothing else to say. I had a wacky dream the other night about being in a bathhouse, and naked, but feeling embarrassed because my legs weren't nice and smooth. this is some deep seeded neurosis, isn't it? ah well.

if I had a twin, we'd so be in the shower right now. uh. catch you later.


The current mood of at


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