it's 10:19 am, on October 21, 2003 - translation.


I'm warning you, brain. No funny stuff.

river: huh. My favorite new version of spellcheck is google. Googling 'iridescent' gives you as first result 'vimax penis pills', which just goes to show I'm right to love it.
lise: O.o
lise: ...
lise: I have the words "door spring" on my hand.
river: Hee. I forgive you. It didn't make a whole lot of sense.
lise: because I woke up this morning at like four AM and thought it necessary to remember, fuck.
river: Door spring.
river: Broken?
river: Flowing?
lise: Something about making sure a door springs shut again when the door is open.
river: Primavera?
lise: and I woke up with the answer to the problem.
lise: because I was dreaming about the door that wouldn't close.
lise: and it was so ingenious, I had the whole solution.
lise: the door is, of course, fictional.
river: --
river: That makes it much more sense making.
lise: Apparently, my unconscious solved some incredibly important question while I was sleeping. wouldn't it be nice if I could translate it?


The current mood of at


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