it's 9:12 pm, on September 19, 2004 - I have to outsmart everyone or I lose.


Two relatively non-epiphanic items of note for today:

1. I have found yet another reason why moving in with la Bryant, while possibly a good idea in theory, would crash and burn like nothing else: having that many people in my house that often would make me take a sledgehammer to something, possibly something with a pulse. I like people, but elsewhere, so that if I get bored or antsy or irritated or, most likely, tired, I can go away.

Also, when all's said and done, I don't really like people that much. Which, in many ways, segueways nicely into:

2. Mel told me, while we stood by the ocean and threw rocks at things with horrible aim, that Bryant had come up with the most accurate description of me she'd heard: I feel things a lot more acutely than other people, and hate every minute of it. Which probably isn't untrue.


I keep getting all these australians in and out of my house. it's fine because they don't comment on the mess and I only once and a while do that incredibly Alestar-like hosting where I try to offer them anything and everything up to and including the kitchen sink. The secret's out, folks: I am a lousy, lousy host. Maybe that's why I feel less comfortable with people coming to stay than I should.

That feeling you get, looking out over the water when it's beautiful and the sun hits it just right, and the clouds make the sky look like there might be a god - that feeling, it's very big. Feelings are just very big in general, round these parts. Anyway, that feeling, that was what the drive through the mountains was like this afternoon, and I kept thinking, "this is not how I want to approach these things. I want to just see water, not this."


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
