it's 8:59 pm, on February 02, 2005 - list.


A list. We like lists.

a. Vik says that someone (I've forgotten who already) has bought the rights to On The Road, and are currently looking at Brad Pitt and Billy Cruddup. Let me just tell you, I would kill to see Brad Pitt as Dean. Not because I think he'd make necessarily the right Dean? Just because I think that Brad Pitt is the Dean of our generation. Like everything else, Dean has cleaned up and married, only a risk taker and crude on the weekends.

b. I guess I ran out of things to say about myself. Give me enough time away from a vacation and I sink back into this, into this routine, this mire, this muck. That's okay, I guess. I want to go to London in April for a Firefly convention for three days. Someone, talk me out of it.

c. I've got a lot accomplished in the last little while - redesigned two websites, finished a major fic that's been on the go for years. No one will read it, but I mostly don't care anymore. I finished something original too. I'm in a to-do-list mood lately, I guess.

d. I've also been watching a lot of M*A*S*H. BJ and Hawkeye were so doing it. Discuss.

e. tag. After all, Mel can't do all the talking on her own now, can she.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
