it's 9:06 pm, on November 23, 2005 - lions and tigers.


This is the dream, to quote Al:

you're running through the forest, or walking, actually, and it's dark and forboding though it's the daytime, and there are lions in the forest. you know they want to eat you. despite this, it is not a nightmare. you're coming from somewhere, it's possible that you're actually coming from some kind of tibetan monastary, journeying through the woods back home like Little Red Riding Hood, but that might just be the subconscious trying to make sense of the non-sensical.

some things happen, and the forest is, apparently, patches of (admittedly large) forest with your grandmother's house in the middle of the lawn. the lawn is dangerous, because then you are easy prey. you go to the shed, and someone is living in there that apparently you know. a lion comes, and he has to press a button to lion-proof the shed, which involves somehow putting metal on it? lowering steel shutters over the whole building?

anyway, so some people live in the house or the buildings, and they all have these lion-proof things around their buildings that can pop up and down to cover windows, doors, whatever. and then there are the other people, like you, who choose to live in the forest.

somehow, in amidst all of this, someone gives you what could only be called a magic wand, only it's technological, not magic. by pressing the correct kanji characters on it in the right sequence, you can, through force of will, make the lions disappear into the stratosphere. like, literally. they'd float away. but not easily. you had to force them. this sequence of buttons, by the way, might just have had the words 'serenity' and 'apple' and 'giving' in it. if only I had the other two, I'd have the secret of the universe.

so if this were an anime, the journey through the woods in the beginning would have been to get the magic wand. lord only knows what it actually was. I give in, subconscious mind, I'll stop trying to sleep.

PS: I wholeheartedly blame Al's dream about the tiger for this.


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