it's 12:53 am, on March 13, 2006 - garden of sleep.


I've been a little remiss in attempting to add entries to this journal the last week, but I think part of it has to do with the fact that I'm feeling vaguely creatively stagnant. I wouldn't call it writers' block; I'm not sitting, desperate to get the words out but unable to begin. I've just run out of things to say in my comfortable forms of communication.

Maybe that's part of the impetus to attempt to learn to draw and cross over into visual art - the fact that linguistically speaking, I'm at kind of a loss lately.

To compensate, though, I find myself with more of a social calendar, and people at work have commented I seem more cheerful lately. Apparently all you have to do to make my job happy is to tell me I don't have to do it anymore.

That's a joke. Mostly.


It's less than a month until I fly into the great beyond, leaving everything I hold dear and find easy, to live on my own in a foreign city and clean up my own messes in the kitchen. All I have to say is, I want a new mattress.

I have been in various furniture stores lately, and I think I found the mattress I so desperately want to follow me home. It's like the eden of mattresses. It's like the zen garden of sleep. If everyone just got to have a good solid eight hours sleep on one of these every night, there'd be no war.

Of course, it's roughly fourteen hundred dollars. And as I'm not quite ready to get between the sheets to make some extra cash to buy something to put sheets on, I fear I'll have to settle for less. The indignity. The tragedy. the insomnia. I'd have more words to explain, but my creativity is at roughly zilch - suffice it to say, I see a mattress in my near future from a swedish store that starts in I and ends in KEA.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
