it's 12:06 am, on January 07, 2007 - awake.


I managed to really, really screw my sleep patterns today - like, so badly, like second year university badly. Went from awake at six pm to fast asleep; stayed mostly asleep until midnight.


I haven't been this messed up as far as sleep goes in months; years, maybe. I could be up half the night now. Don't even know why I slept so long - I did sleep last night, even if it was pretty broken up, and it's not like I did anything strenuous today. Put up my curtain rod and took down my christmas decorations. None of that requires a six hour nap. I have a suspicion I'd be asleep still if I hadn't woke up due to hunger.

Which reminds me - I was dreaming about being in the woods, hiking. it was nice and sunny and it's not like it was bad, and I was looking for a nice place to sit near the coast and eat something. found the picnic area, and my mother (who'd been in california previously in the dream) was there with some food, including garlic naan. she said it was all the food they'd had in the house - they were going to have to buy more before they went to new york the next day, or get some in NYC. I ate it, and then woke up.

don't quite know what the symbolism is, not to even mention why Hope and Bernard were there, but it was enough about food that I woke myself up. way to go, brain, way to go. well played.

I don't know if I have anything else to say. last night was really nice and relaxing, a quiet night to just unwind, which I think I really needed. it feels like the tension has eased from my body a little. I don't adapt well to change, and certainly not quickly; it takes a while to deal with different situations for me. I try to challenge myself with new situations, so I can get better at it, but when it's not on my terms, tension and anxiety mount. so last night got rid of some of that.

Uh, yeah. I'm going to be up for hours. Matt, are you awake in Kansas? is that why I'm up?


The current mood of at


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