it's 11:58 am, on January 30, 2008 - no brass ring.


this is the dream; or rather, this is the waking.

you're reading the internet, and someone has posted a 'five things you've learned in...' meme. you think it's from 2005, though why 2005 and not 2007 you're not sure. one of the things is that we weren't meant to be together, etc., etc. the wording is gone, the other four things are gone. you wake up much like from any other nightmare, and can't decide if it's a nightmare or one of those dreams that your subconscious uses to work something out.

if the former, how sad. if the latter, a more clear direction forward would have been appropriate, since this is 2008, not 2005. perhaps the message is that the new year is no different from the old and you just suck it up or get off the ride already.


The current mood of at


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