it's 10:22 pm, on March 26, 2019 - -.


I almost cried tonight - I guess that's something to tell my therapist right? that I'm sorta capable of crying?

in related news I really, really have to remember that my decision making matrix in 2008, aka "what would gabe saporta do", never did steer me wrong. drunk, several times, nuclear level embarrassment, sure. but wrong? regretful? never.

...maybe that says something about my complete and utter lack of assessment skills, or maybe just an inability to feel regret, rather than anything else. on the one hand, gabe saporta would totes sell his shit, get in a car, and move to a lighthouse with no prior job or prospects and hoot whale music at the ocean.

otoh, I guess diana prince would say "be brave". so maybe if "what would gabe saporta do" and "what would wonder woman do" are the same thing, then I can take it as a venn diagram of "even if this decision turns out to be a horrible one in the end... it's not a mistake".


The current mood of at


a goldfish doesn't know it's surrounded by water - June 03, 2020
ben lee back in 1998 - September 29, 2019
bruise - September 28, 2019
- - April 28, 2019
- - April 27, 2019
