it's 12:51 a.m., on 2001-05-21 - surveys ahoy.


I stole more surveys from Twig, because I can. Baaaah.


What is your mental age? Swear to god, I haven't moved past sixteen.

Tuck or no tuck? Nada.

What is your favorite disco anthem? The one that, you know. That one. With the-- awfuck. I can't remember.

What dance step have you perfected? Nada. I have no dancin' skills.

If you were a film director, who would you be? Um. I don't know. Possibly a wannabe Tarrentino, maybe a loser version of whoever did, uh, that tripped out Acid House movie.

What was your least favorite college subject? History 120.

Elizabeth I or Elizabeth II? Nada. My history knowledge is a few thousand years older.

If you weren't Canadian, which nationality would you pick? Chilean, dude, all the way. Wouldn't you just love to pull out a Chilean passport?

What song are you listening to right now? "Water's Edge" by seven mary three.

Beatles, Rolling Stones, or The Who? Beatles.

What is the last poem you read, and when? Dunno. Real poem, probably something by Ginsberg. It's been a while. The last thing I read was Brighid's 'Odyssey, II'.

Any shows you'd like to see re-run on TV, but which probably don't have a hope in hell? Um. That weird show, um. You know the one. And the cartoon, 'Tail Spin'.

What colour is your hair now, and which colours has it been in the past? Brown, red.

Guilty pleasure pop song? Hee. 'Play', by Jennifer Lopez, but I get an excused because her voice is sexy.

Do you have a favorite word? I have to restrain the cussin'.

Are you good with houseplants? Hell no. I'm a neglectful one.

What's the best thing about your job? The lack of one.

Favorite hockey player? Nada.

Who is the first person you ever had a crush on? Dunno. Um. Probably Deanna Troi, from Star Trek. God, I was such a geek...

Which was the best year of your life? Uh. The last few have been pretty good.

If you could own one piece of art, what would it be? See. That Picasso where the guy's fucking the horse. Or, something Greek. Or, just anything. I'm easily amused.

Do your ex's hate your guts? It's a distinct possibility.

A song that you loathe to such a degree that if you never heard it again, it would be 20,000,000 years too soon: Aerosmith, that song from Armageddon. 'Thank you' by Dido. Uh. Anything by Nelly Furtado.

What's the next film you'll be seeing? Hopefully, either the Mummy Returns, Shrek, or-- whatever else is playing down the road. Probably Tomb Raider or Atlantis, though.

Who's your favorite revolutionary? King Mob-- I have an affection for his way with things. Ginsberg. Anya-- because the wake up gay site has her listed as a lesbian icon, and we don't have enough of those. Neal Cassady. Brian Kinney. Thom Yorke. Beck. Those guys, that killed the last 'king' of Athens because of a lover's quarrel. Pericles' mistress.

What's the dumbest female name you can think of? I like Twig's answer of Bambi, but I also have to add, Ethel. Or, that kind of name.

Are you sick of hearing about/from Tori Amos? A bit. But I like her still, and she deserves it, so you can't really get sick of it.

Where are you going on your next vacation? Los Angeles, though I want it to be Israel.

What is your most common facial expression? Dunno. I've been told I don't smile that much, but I never noticed.

Which book(s) are you embarrassed to admit you've never read? Cicatrix. The Republic by Plato.

Are you good at cards? Nah. If people are distracted though, I cheat. I have a deep-rooted dislike for anything I can't do well right away.


1. How tall are you? Five nothing.

2. Do you have a big nose? Nah.

3. Do you have a funny lookin bottom? I don't think so. It's normal.

4. How often do you shave? *grins*

5. Do you like canned beets? Nice color. Bad taste.

6. What is your mother's name? Sue.

7. What do you call your mother? Mum. Mom. You.

8. Do you enjoy having siblings? She came into my room last night while I was hanging out with Rae, stoned out of her mind and mumbling about McDonalds. Normally, she isn't as amusing, but yeah, I enjoy it.

9. Where would you bury a body? UBC forest.

10. If you could pick a particular person to bury, who would that be? I like everyone.

11. What is your favorite brand of cigarettes? Don't smoke.

12. If you don't smoke, what is your favorite brand of, um, socks? *grins*

13. If you had a guinea pig, what would you name it? Guinea pigs are really fidgety, man. They run around their cages, don't like being picked up, and get all nervous and paranoid if you go near them. So, something that fit that-- fred. That guy from 'in the army now'. But, like all my pets, he'd probably end up being 'baby' or 'hey. you'.

14. Can you recite any lines from the movie Ghostbusters? No, sadly.

15. What is your favourite kind of keyboard? Nada.

16. What celebrity does your perfect mate resemble? Angelina. Heee. --no, I dunno.

17. What band are you ashamed to admit you love? I should say Hanson, but I like them and proclaim it proudly. They are not a boyband. They write their own music.

18. Do you have hair that grows in funny places? *grins* What a personal question. And no.

19. Do you own any vinyl clothing? Yes.

20. Do you own any para-military gear? ... no. We shall have to fix that.

21. Do you own a firearm, and if so, what kind? Nah. Canada. Illegal.

22. How many piercings do you have? None.

23. How many tattoos? None.

24. Are you religious? I'm superstitious. I believe in the worm-clock and the limping duck, and I end up getting stoned and feeling the geometry of the universe. But really, no. Superstition isn't the same thing.

25. Do you belong to any Albanian organizations whatsoever? That'd be cool.

26. What music do you prefer to hump like rabid minks to? Aww, baby. That's a good question. I end up putting on 80s rap, Jennifer lopez, the queer as folk soundtrack, and then halfway through something like the Monkees'll sneak in when I'm not looking, and I'll have to stop what I'm doing and laugh my ass off. Which ruins the mood but inserts humor. It's something I learned off Paris.

27. Do you speak Swahili? No, but that too would be cool.

28. What country would you dominate and oppress? Hah. Way too much work.

29. Do you wear make-up? Nah. Too much work.

30. In your opinion, what sexual position goes best with polka? *laughs!* This is the best survey yet.

31. What is your favourite beer? Right now, local brew-- Granville Island honey lager. Okanagen springs is okay, too. I'll drink Corona because it's watered down pisswater, and if you're going to have something that tastes bad, you might as well go all-out.

32. Liquor? Heh. Um. Plead the fifth. But it's got no tequila in it.

33. What can you do with your tongue? Ye-aww. This is definitely the best survey yet.

34. Speaking of tongues...If you were to be paid 10 million american dollars to stick your tongue up a penguin's unclean ass on live television, would you do it? --people are so strange sometimes.

35. Are you a good shot? *chuckles*

36. How are you with sharp, pointy objects? I tried to stab someone once, when I was really drunk, but due to the whole not-being-able-to-see bit, I wasn't doing so hot. Other than that, I haven't had much practise.

37. Are you satisfied with your phyical appearance? Right now? I'm in sweats and look gross. But I don't have a mirror, so yeah.

38. What song is in your head right now? The Eels, Last stop this town, because that's what's playing.

39. What colour do you hate? Oh, every color can be good.

40. Are you a cracker? Um.

41. What are your ethnic origins? I'm white.

42. If you could pick any other language to speak right now, what would it be? Latin. Or archaeic Greek. --no! Etruscan, baby. So I could read all those inscriptions.

43. Would you go to Antarctica? Yeah, but not unless those bastards in the US military base would let me stay there. I ain't camping.

44. Whom would you most like to see undergo a painful decompression? *chuckles*

45. Have you ever seen a dead body? No.

46. Would you like to pee? Strangely, yes. I have an OJ fixation tonight.

47. Would you eat people if you were starving? Probably.

48. Would you kill them to eat them? I-- see. This, I don't know.

49. Would you sacrifice yourself so that your friends and/or loved ones could live? Um. Hm. Again.

50. Why did you even bother to fill this out? Because I'm a sheep. Baaaaaah.


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