it's 3:46 a.m., on 2001-05-24 - SubCon, the previous,.


Going away until Monday night, and it's three twenty four in the morning.

Lynx and I are talking about the possibility of a real party at Buffy's house. All the Scoobies, kith, kin, and enemies smoking up while Oz does the music and Giles does the party mix.

Can't you see it?

See, Xander would put a bucket on his head, and say stupid stuff, and Buffy would giggle and hit him in the head with a wooden spoon. Call Spike a smurf. Oz would sit there mellow, thinking about the wolf and how pot put it to sleep, and talk old skool punk with Spike. Dawn would sit there and shake her head, saying, 'my sister's taking grief weird-- whoa, like, floaty.' Anya would regale the room with lesbianic tales. Willow and Tara would get sweet and sticky and go upstairs to have sex.

Giles, Spike and Oz would keep the beer and the joints a'coming, and later, they'd call up Angel and say, 'get over here!'

So then, Spike would call Angel investigations and they'ed all come by, and Faith would tag along. Angel would brood until Spike started telling stories about 'when angel was bad, the songs he'd sing', and then Angel would get all huffy and start the karaoke thing.

Buffy'd fall over laughing, and Xander would still have a bucket on his head.

Cordelia would just sit her ass down and say, 'hey, Oz. Nice hair.' Open up some cider. Wes would be a bit confused. Gunn would shake his head, and get weirded out by smoking weed with his boss.

And then Darla and Dru would show up, and act all huffy they weren't invited. They'd come in, and then Spike, Anya, Angel and Darla would reminisce about the parties at the turn of the century thrown by Dracula. Buffy would act all, 'smurf, no vampire. No stakey'. Faith would be very interested, and make her smoke lots, saying, 'yeah, B, smoke up.'

Giles would hit Xander with the spoon once or twice.

It's a beautiful thing, love is.


I'm sitting here, and in 12 hours, I'm gonna be on my way to the airport to go to LA. I have, a bit of apprehension, but I talked to Kael tonight and we made a Plan about rides from the airport, and we're doing okay. We're good. If we can't get a hold of Trish for confirmation, we're gonna plan to meet somewhere at the airport, and maybe rent a car, maybe take a shuttle.

We have Planning behind us. We cannot fail.

The Buffy party Lynx and I are discussing would be hella-cool. I miss the party scene.

But we don't know any werewolves with black nail polish.

Also, thinking (tentatively) about trying to create a decent Anya all-inclusive archive. There really isn't enough Anya stuff out there, and I have yet to find a really good site with all the fic on it.

Considering doing my own, as well as that M*A*S*H slash archive I've been tossing around, a *good* Matrix fic site, and, um. Considering, as well, I'm crazy. *grin*

In fifteen minutes, I'm going to bed. The SubCon people are going to think I'm stoned, seeing me as tired as I'm going to be.

Hasta, y'all. Be back on Monday.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
