it's 1:46 p.m., on 2001-08-14 - boring music-related quizzes.


I'm sitting here waiting for some stuff to download and upload so that I can restart the computer after having installed Adobe Photoshop 6.0, the trial version. Have been to, found two patches, and so hopefully they will fix my little problem of having not bought the program.

I'm not sure. My Dreamweaver 4.0 crack didn't seem to work so well. I still see the days ticking down on my 'try/buy' screen. Not comforting.

I need a lint brush; Dex's cats left cat hair all over my pinstripe pants. Not so slick, y'know.

Have an insane urge to go shopping which is bad, since I'll probably bring Rossi downtown tomorrow and stuff, which means I will be in the vicinity of spending money. No drinking however because I will be driving. Good for me.

Next week the Barenaked Ladies are playing at the Gorge. I still don't know what time doors open -- I figure if we get there at three or four we probably won't miss too much. I just want to see them, the Proclaimers, and Sarah Harmer... and if we get there around three we probably will. I figure, leave here about nine, nine thirty, pack a lunch. We'll have fun in the grass or something if we really can't get in until seven.

I have a whole bunch of survey answers but not many of them are interesting. I'll copy the best ones for y'all.



*Had an imaginary friend: Yes -- two, actually -- but I never really believed in them, which defeats the purpose, dunnit?

*Called or seen a psychic: When I was about ten my mum went to a tarot-reading lady and I got a mini reading.

*Watched Punky Brewster: Oh, I loved her!

*Prank called someone: Yeah. We were high one night and Paris wanted to call people and talk to them, but Will kept taking the phone and the only phone number he could remember was Carolina's so we got Cass about eight times before she call-blocked my number.


*Bands: REM, Radiohead, 54-40, Counting Crows, Everclear, c'mon, help me out here... oh, Barenaked Ladies... Hee. I'm seeing all of these bands except Everclear and the Counting Crows this summer. Rock on. And the Tragically Hip.

*Type of sandwich: The kind where you pile lots of veggies on, with cold chicken and stuff. Yeah. Mmm. --or peanut butter and jam.


*Have a goldfish: I did when I was four. It was named 'guppy'.

*Want a tattoo, and where: Want one, don't have money. Either on my shoulder, on my back, or my bicep. Or the inside of my thigh.

*Have a computer in your room: Ohhhh ye-awww. The monitor's on my bed, yo.

*Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Kind of... ? *gulp*

*Crush: Yeah. Lance.

*Who's your funniest friend: Melly.

*Who do you e-mail the most: River.

*Who do you go to the mall with the most: Uh, my mom? Actually, yeah, my mom. Or my wife, Sue. Hardly anyone else. I'm a sad, sad girl, aren't I.

*Who have you known the longest: Tynan, oddly enough. I had a crush on him in seventh grade, I've known him since the fourth, and we met up again in college. Everyone else, I kinda lose them.

Actually, my mum and I were talking about that yesterday. How I don't stay in touch with people well.


*Cut your hair: No, but last week I chopped it all off.

*Bought something: Uhhh... no. Yes! Concert tickets to David Usher at the Commodore.

*Watched your favorite movie: I'm thinking about going downstairs and watching something until Roswell comes on at four. Probably 'Dune'.


*God/Devil: Um, yes. Sure. I like Dante.

*Yourself: Yeah.

*Your friends: Um, probably.

*Love: Kinda.

*Signs: Okay, see, I am SO superstitious that, er, yes. It comes from being a classics major and studying greek myths...


And then there's this music one:

2. Do you enjoy concerts? Yes, if I can see the stage. I have this little thing where I like to actually SEE concerts.

3. What was the last concert you attended? Radiohead, baby. Going to the Barenaked Ladies in a week... then there's 54-40 in September, David Usher in September, R.E.M./Pearl Jam down in Seattle in October if I can get decent seats and it's not $100 US to go...

6. About how many CDs do you own? Maybe 200, 250.

How many CDs do you own by... [I'm editing this one for just the people I recognise.]

11. Britney Spears? Uh. My sister has the first one... Sue has the second one. Technically I own none but I borrowed those a lot.

14. Eminem? ...the second one...

17. Everclear? Three! --four? I think three. Damn. Must make it four.

21. Dr. Dre? I wanted one, but never bought it. Stole it from my sister.

27. Limp Bizkit? Really really wanted to buy the 'three dollah bill y'all' but never got around to it.

31. Christina? Actually, I have the first one. But it's still in the plastic wrap and I was going to give it to Rae, so I'm not sure it counts.

34. No Doubt? My sister has 'tragic kingdom' and I keep meaning to steal it from her.

And then the rest came out 'none', 'fuck THAT' or 'ewww'.

What lyric comes to your mind when you hear... [Again, edited for just the people I had answers for. ;P]

38. Vertical Horizon? 'and do you think about me when you're lying in his bed'

46. Our Lady Peace? 'and if I don't make it, know that I've loved you all along'

50. AQUA? Thanks to rae, 'I'm a barbie girl'. though it could have been 'dr. jones' too.

And then the only other interesting thing was questions that I kept saying, 'I like to SEE the fucking concert, damnit!'

See, I have this problem where I'm so short a lot of the time (okay, all of the time) I can't see the stage, right? And I resent that. A lot. I HATE not being able to see what a band's DOING. It's so annoying. I go to a concert, I want to be able to see them, y'know?

So I like seated concerts in *small* venues.


Anyway. That wasn't interesting at all but it's better than whining about being kissed or bitching about something else. I'm picking Rossi up from the airport today. Shazaam.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
