it's 9:27 am, on October 03, 2001 - a questioning spirit.


I left my notebook on the train yesterday, just like I left my flashcards of Latin vocab on the train last week. If I keep this up I won't be left with anything; all my posessions will make the daily trek from mission to Vancouver and back again.

I read 100 pages of 'on the road' today; have decided that Jack was a little crazy. Maybe more than a little. I still feel sorry for Allen because I have a thing for him. Still don't fully understand Dean Moriarty. I guess, Jack didn't either. Allen didn't. How can a Carlo Marx figure out someone like Neal? He met neal as someone higher than himself, when everyone is equal.

I have this questioning spirit inside me today. It's saying, how could I have fallen like carlo, really. Each word reminds me that I have a side wanting, and that really believes there's somthing to this mythology of motor cars and hitchhiking. Love from miles away; it doesn't work and yet. I am because; and.

I wish I had a copy of the correspondence between Allen and Neal again. the library copy was one of my favorite books I ever borrowed. It was full of things that were better than a biography. It was like reading your email.

I also want to question, why I'm not on the road right now. See, on Monday night I went to a poetry slam. And don't get me wrong. I wasn't impressed. Flaky poetic people bore me, as you know. The guy was odd, and it looked like he needed rehab. But.

Some time between a loud poem and another loud poem he handed me a random casette tape because he wanted to give up all his things; he was living in his car and touring the country to perform and shit.

I think I'll mail the tape away. It deserves a journey since he abandoned it on his.

Y�ll have a good day. I'm going to try and visit before the year is through.


The current mood of at


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