it's 5:36 pm, on October 23, 2001 - chris'ing.


It's time for some Hon-es-tee, y'all.

Okay. This is what I did yesterday. I drove down to Seattle, with Will, and saw R.E.M. and Pearl Jam in concert. Michael Stipe. Live. Michael. Doing that thing he does.

I think I'm still in shock.

It wasn't the greatest concert in the world because we were waiting for hours beforehand to have REM take the stage, and we were way the HELL up in the nosebleed section because of ticketmaster politics (down with ticketmaster!) but. But.

Michael Stipe. Live.

...this is what else I did last night. Fell into my bed, tired as fuck. This morning, I totally forgot that I had to write a journal entry all about the girl of my dreams , and then I remembered -- she thinks she's in love with someone from her past -- and about, how I'm talking to her again and it's fine, it's okay. It's like before, but, a little quieter because she tends to be gaming a lot and I'm reading n-fic, but.

So, I'm happy about that, and I still want to visit her.

I also wanted to, last night, write a journal entry about, let's call them Justin and Chris. Now, this is a brand new metaphor, for those of you who keep track, and so nothing I've written, no thinly-veiled fic-metaphor for my friday nights, no, no. It's new. It's that thing where, I'm in a public pulpit and I'm not comfortable saying things.

I think I might use the other journal, after this.

Anyway. Chris is stilll thinking about Justin, after all this time. Justin was in the car with him last night, ghostly. Justin was, justin maybe is.



Something random and not related to this: I think that this is one of the most honest things I've written. About myself, anyway.


Something else random. I. Fucking. Hate. Hispeed. Day, five? And still nothing.


I said this was going to be about honesty, but I'm not ready to talk about this here. I, am aware of my audience.

I'll talk about how in love with Michael Stipe I am. Maybe I'll talk about how, last night, I had a thought, let's go watch OZ again, and see Chris be, good. My stomach hurts a lot. I think it's stress from this fucking website stuff. Maybe Justin would look good against glass; would he be addicted or addicter, and is there a difference?

These are the kinds of honest I can't handle right now. My head hurts.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
