it's 9:25 am, on October 24, 2001 - a snow-filled dream.


So, I just dreamed something that might have been out of an nsync AU. No, really.

I wasn't myself; or, sometimes I was myself and sometimes I was Monika, I think. Monika was trudging along in the snow, going up hills, down hills, and people were around, and then not so many, and then not so many again, and then -- why, I don't know -- she went to this woman's house crying, and the woman let her in, saying, 'dearie, that's awful'. I think.

Meanwhile, I -- as myself -- was following her, getting wet and cold, trying to catch up but she wouldn't let me, or didn't see me, or something. And the woman that monika was talking to said, 'just a minute', or something or other, and then monika said something like, 'no, no!' and the woman got up with a smile, got in her car (with her daughter that we hadn't seen) and left, and monika was alone again, in the house, with the tv on and stuff.

So, back to me, I'm yelling at her, trying to get her to recognise me, and then, there's this third person, only I think the third really *was* me, not some weird me, and it says, 'let her in; at least she's talking' and monika said something like, 'I can't handle her right now' and I got the feeling that there was a History there that, um, I've never had. So this third person said, 'disa, come in' and it was the first time I remember seeing me, and I had a blond stripe in my hair like Tapestry, and basically hair like Tap's.

And then the three of us talked; I think I said, 'well I'm going to make myself some food because I'm hungry.' and I think me turned into my cousin, and then maybe I was me, for real. There was some weird horror show on tv, where a plate with a cat reformed itself from its broken pieces, as a guy was holding the box it was in, and then someone turned it off, me I think, saying, 'we've got enough horror around here I think'. This woman's house was nice. She left a cigarette burning in an ashtray, with a holder on, and I was gonna take off the holder and smoke it, only, monika knocked it away and it fell on the carpet and burned up really quick and monika was all, 'no, look, now you've burned the carpet' or something, but we were all speaking in some weird off-language, I think. She said something like, 'look what you did' and I, whoever I was at that point, said, 'look, she's not coming back.'

Some time, I also said, "i was gonna smoke that" and found a package on the, sideboard? behind her with a pack of matches. The matches were broken off in a pattern, very precise, and I took a cigarette out of the player's pack and stuck it between my lips, and both of them stared at me.

Then the university called and said, 'you owe us books, bitch'. That wasn't in my dream -- mum woke me up from it to talk to the lady at UBC. Oh yes, I am uni's bitch.


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what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
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