it's 11:12 am, on November 07, 2001 - squealing, hard core.


[Warning: The following is much squealing -- without spoilers, really -- over the musical Buffy; also, plain old happy raving. And some n-pimpin'. You have been warned.]

Another school quickie, this is. November seventh, already. Goddamned, guys, how did it get to be this late in the year?

On the upside, it's still sunny.

And now, might I say, Tee! and also, a mighty whopping Hee!

Musical Buffy! With the, singing! And the music! No spoilers, of course, because I'm just good that way and also incoherently happy with it, but, tee! And also much hee!

Okay, so it wasn't the greatest television ever made. It was, cheezy. I will accept that. But god, was it fun. I miss that about Buffy -- so little of it has been fun lately that it's wonderful to see the fun shining through.

Some big pimpin' now, that made me squeal. (And now I have an insane urge to listen to Jay-Z. Fuck.) Piiiilar! Lovely pilar, whom I have a crush on harsh, finally succumbed, and wrote distracted, which, damn. Just, damn. And then, plus, Cathy wrote my favorite pairing in the world -- which is smack -- and another lovely girl wrote some lovely other!Smack! Or, was it smack? All I remember is Justin saying 'fag-hag' which made my night. Oh! And I woke up to another of Angel's journal entries chock full of goodness, so I wasn't loathe to get out of bed. Once I read it.

My joy cup runeth over! Might I say, tee! And also, Hee!

And it's a sunny day. --oh, also! Sheila! I had something to tell you, but I've completely forgotten, now. I'll try and remember later.

In other news -- is there any other news? I don't even think so. Which is a good thing. There was another thing that made my joy cup runeth over, but now all I can think of is Willow singing in a really petulant voice, 'I think my lines are mostly filler!' Hee! I was grinning on the bus for no particular reason this morning because I started thinking about the music! And singing!

Tee! And also, Hee! With the singing! And the badly hidden voice talent! And the Dawn, soft-shoeing! And the, corset!!

And now I shall go to Greek Literature and sit there with a stupid grin on my face because -- you guessed it -- tee! hee!


The current mood of at


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