it's 3:44 pm, on January 01, 2002 - revelations and revolutions.


It's occurred to me that I should probably do a more coherent new year's post than I did last night, so here you go. Year in review, I suppose. What do I remember of the year, what won't I forget. What kinds of things have bled into my writing, more specifically, since this is really a writing journal even if I don't admit it.

First there would be the 360 degree turn on the topic of boybands who may or may not be fucking but definitely have no concept of physical space. The thing about nsync is, you can write about them doing normal things, and whereas a story where Hank and Bobby do laundry might not be very interesting, when it's JC and Joey, for example, it takes on another depth.

Or maybe, other fandoms *could* have the same kind of normalcy that nsync tends to -- the stories are rarely *about* something, rather, they have events that are normal and common place, and lead to their conclusion easily -- but they don't. I think, maybe this is because it didn't occur to people to go, "Hey, Bobby on the washing machine is as sexy as Bobby in a concentration camp and going crazy!"

Which isn't to say I don't put Kassia's "Break Through" on my list of top favorite stories, because I do. But, something like "Cure" by Al, which is just Hank, upset, and another normal day for them, has as much impact even though it has less focus on the events than what the events do to people.

I think the nsync fandom does a lot more exploration of character as a pure form. --or maybe it doesn't. Comicfic is blessed with a huge gen genre that most other fandoms don't. Even Buffy, to a certain extent, lacks gen.

Anyway. The Nsync revolution is a big thing.

Another big thing was 'nightswimming' with Kael; that story is still probably the thing I'm proudest of, at least that isn't that untitled thing I finished when I was sixteen. That feeling of calm and peace from the country was a revelation. That feeling of Michael Stipe, too.

The first thing River and I have written together in a long -- I mean too long -- time was Arthurian porn. It was wrong. And disturbing. But amusing enough that we had enough vibe to call ourselves gypsies again.

Oh, can't forget losing the Flood -- that was a major heartache and trauma. Definitely affected my writing, though maybe not a revelation as much as a revolution.

Must go back to that, soon, too. I think I want to finish it, despite the heartache it's caused me.

Reading Fight Club, as stupid as it sounds, was a revelation too.

So we've got the year in review. I'll remember you all, of course, because the things that make us bleed don't go away. Happy new year -- it's been a good year. I got 76% in my Alexander the Great class. I am learning Latin and I think some of it's actually sinking in. I owe so many people Christmas cards and unbirthday presents. Expect a token or two of my love, y'all, coming to a mailbox near you, soon.

I have a motherfucker of a headache. It's like Chris, after all the screaming and the heartache and the laundry, when he's sitting in the hole drying out. It must have been hell, and tired, and really really sick.

Picture that: Chris naked, knees curled up, so drunk he's shaking, and trying to process what just happened.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
