it's 3:48 am, on April 05, 2002 - britney's thigh.


Haven't made an entry in a while-- not much to say. This is mostly filler.

I remember, vaguely, my dream last night-- mostly I remember the waking-up and crying. Waking up as I was crying, that is, not waking up and therefore crying. So. My subconscious, obviously, still wants something from me. I think it might be holding out for a Ferarri.

That's what I'd want.

Other than that, nothing is afoot. I talked to Ashlan for a long time, today, and we've still got it-- she gave me a lot to think about, as far as the gypsies go. She gave me new characters. An oracle: Ramblin' Jack. His daughter, Tat.

Mel says I spend a lot of time thinking about her, and I say, she makes good food for thought.

These are the kinds of thoughts that go through my head.

The Whitlams are playing. They remind me, a lot, of a more cheerful Beck-- Beck was cheerful, but maybe not quite as falsely cheerful. He looked around in wonder, said, 'isn't this fucked up, but it's okay, too'. The Whitlams kind of glance around sideways, and say, 'everything is okay, la la, but very fucked up too'.

"and no one is saying goodbye"

I am getting a whole box of nsync photocards in the mail. I'm hoping this is soon. I have grand plans for these photocards, provided I get the right ones.

The bobbleheads are bobbling. From this angle, it looks like something is staring out of Lance's eyes. This, of course, would not surprise me, since Lance *is* the third incarnation of Beazelbub.

I am very, very tired. Almost typed v. v. tired. Britney, with one fucking gorgeous thigh -- thank you thank you, Kate -- is my wallpaper. I dreamed about that thigh the other night. I'm dirty. I really am.

Also, inane. Therefore, no more entry. Ash said, "Hard to steal what's offered. Can't steal friendship, can't steal love, can't steal what your already welcome to". Only, tonight, I wrote someone stealing love anyway.

At least, I hope that's what I managed. people stealing love. This idea fascinates. As does my bed.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
