it's 9:49 am, on May 19, 2002 - amo.


Reread "Blind Sight" tonight, because I wanted to go back to my roots.

It's odd that I find, with the more Scott-like lines, I hear them spoken in the voice that Scott from the X-men cartoon has. Not the new one, the original.

So, a dull entry. Solitaire, my friends, is no way to pass a summer. Don't do it. Just my advice.

I emailed D the other night, to apologize for, revealing our secret, so to speak, in front of a crowd of people who didn't really understand. And I told him of how Kael said, "so you want a tattoo that speaks for the moments that are holy" and how I want to find my name. And he emailed me back saying, "But see the thing is some secrets stay secrets, stay hidden and a mystery, even if shouted from the top of the world. Because when you share it with the world everyone just gets a shard of it. Only you have the whole truth."

So we're the only ones that have the whole truth here, loves. Amo. Amas. Amamus.

My SRI are wildly out of control in the last few days, and so are other things. These things come and go gently, like waves lapping up on the shore; never the same thing twice. People lap up, and then recede softly, and lap up again.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
