it's 1:19 pm, on November 23, 2002 - the naked chef.


note to me re: insanity:

friday I was considering taking a little container full of sleeping pills to school. this is indicative of something, maybe. ironically enough, possibly just the need to get more sleep.

now, this is temporary. it's funny what a small thing a sunny day, as opposed to a rainy day, is, but it's not so funny what a difference it makes. Because looking out and seeing blue sky instead of grey. It's every cliche imaginable but still I feel better. Also, Jamie Oliver has a website.

So, the saga of "do I email Matt, do I not email Matt" has come to a close -- did I tell this story already? whatever. I emailed him with a bunch of bullshit at four in the morning and having a panic attack (it's become the only time I answer my email). and so he emailed me back, and it proves the point that it's a difference of fandom. I got religion and that's that. also, there's a different language now. which is what I suspected all along.

"I can't teach you to dance if you don't know the words."

that sounds like a Lance and Chris quote. whatever.

And apparently the madonna song I am is "holiday" -- whoo! -- and the harry potter fandom bitchfight I get into is 'bitching about the inner circle'. which yes, I have to say, except most of the bitching involves "why are the inner circle, the outer circle, and the squares and polygons too, of harry potter such bad writers?'

Party of mean, your table is ready.

also, and I say this in the nicest possible way, but people are bringin' me down a lot lately. like, 99% of the people I talk to put me in a worse mood than before, either depressed or fed up. And then when I'm driving I end up charging hundreds of dollars to my phone while making calls all over canada and the states to the people who don't bring me down. (Al, you're never home.) if I could call australia my bill would be a lot higher, I have to say.

so, but it's sunny. y'all should come and visit me.

(ps: Jamie Oliver has a website!! if you visit I'll cook. not a threat.)


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
