it's 3:33 am, on December 22, 2002 - my bizarre boys.


So, really, I could say a lot of things, but fuck it. I'm going to talk about comics.

there's this title that I really, really, really maybe honestly would kill to read. not even because I'm a huge comics fan -- I am, and there'll always be a special place in my heart for all those fucked up Vertigo comics that I'll never have the money to purchase. But for the writers. Because we're writers, and we like biographies, and writers writing about biographies and creations talking to their creators, well.

I dig it. I know you do.

So there's this title that Grant Morrison and Peter Milligan were supposed to write. Milligan mentions it in the introduction to the first Invisibles trade; it's been rumored and speculated on and still, I ache to read this comic.

Bizarre boys.

It's about some fictional characters called the Bizarre Boys, and about the writers who write them, and about the writers who are writing about the writers... There are two voices telling the tale of BIZARRE BOYS, and they don't agree with each other at all.

Writers writing about the writers who write them. Oh my. if I were to ask Morrison one question? It would be "will you ever, ever ever put out this series". Because I ache inside to see what they'd do with it. Shelley, drunk and lounging with Byron in Venice? that's them.

and there's no decent Peter Milligan website online and this is just wrong. note to self: do a peter milligan bibliography, possibly make up Because he's really too amazing not to have his own website. he deserves as much as any comicbook writer out there.

I really have to buy more of his work in the vain hope that some day, and some day soon even, him and Morrison will get together, drop acid or drink or smoke up, whatever they have to do, to remember what looking at a gay porn magazine in Italy did to them. and write that damned title. Because only us amateurs should ever be mentally altered, talk about writing and then not do it.


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