it's 2:27 am, on December 10, 2003 - big red button.


So we gave up food, gas and shelter for this month and went out to buy the Firefly dvds.

Of course, you're saying.

I have fond memories of sitting many a person down forcibly and force-feeding them Firefly until they couldn't stand it anymore and broke down and fell as deeply in love with the show as everyone else who'd seen it already was. Most of the time that force-feeding stage lasted all of ten minutes, after which they were hooked on their own, a true devotee.

At dexcon alone Bryant and I managed to convert nearly a third of the con, single handedly. I deeply hope they all do the right thing, go out, and spend the fourty lousy bucks on supporting the dvds, too. the featurette broke my heart, seeing Ron Glass tear up at the thought of the show being cancelled, seeing Joss talk about no show giving him more joy, or pain. Seeing everyone - EVERYONE - be so desperately in love with the thing.

I would give up every other tv just to get this back on the air.

Many of you know that my two favorite scenes in the entire run have to do with Mal, and his treatment of his crew and his ship. In one, Simon asks, "why'd you come back for us?" and Mal just tells him, "you're on my crew." As if it were that simple. He's on the crew. They're one big family. They were part of something *special*. And the other scene, Mal just asks "y'all gonna be here when I wake up?" and when Book says they will, he just closes his eyes, with, "good. That's good."

Out of Gas is probably most people's favorite episodes, and I learned something today that made it alternately even more special - and ever-more painful - than it already was. The camraderie, the *family*. The ship. The whole crew knew it was their *home*. But not only that - the actors and crew did too. In the commentary for Out of Gas, Tim Minear is talking about the big red button that Mal has to press to call the shuttles back? and apparently, after they knew the show was cancelled Adam Tuydk stole the button from the set and sent it to Joss Whedon, with a note that said, "when you get something together, just push the button and we'll be back."

Push the button. we'll be back.

this show deserves it. It just breaks my heart.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
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