it's 11:17 pm, on October 10, 2005 - cause the devil try to break you down.


I have four bars from the song used in the trailer for "Jarhead" stuck in my head.

You might ask why, and I'll tell you - it's because I've seen Serenity four times since it opened, and the trailer for Jarhead's played every single time. it's a catchy little rap song, and the line I have running through my head again and again is "cause the devil's tryin'a break me down".

I'm angry tonight.

I'm angry about apathy. I'm angry about everyone who said they cared about Serenity and didn't shell out to see it when it was needed. I'm angry about the numbers that could be proving, once again, that browncoats lose the war. I'm angry that it's only ten dollars to see a movie, and nine times out of ten we don't have something better to do and yet we didn't go. I'm angry with myself for not going often enough. I'm angry that everything has to be a battle.

I'm also angry at the media, at the people on this continent for being complacent and not caring about an earthquake that probably ruined an entire region. Matt Nute says that a natural disaster in a third world country means nothing - before, people were hungry, sick, and poor, now they're hungry, sick, poor, and devestated. I'm angry that someone would have the gall to say that. I'm angry that I found out two days after it happened. I'm angry that for all the hurt and pain the north american continent has seen, that the resort towns in Thailand and the coastal regions of India have seen, that Kashmir could be left so far out into the dust. I'm angry because no one here can understand what it's like to live in that kind of poverty - myself included.

I'm just angry that no one cares.


The current mood of at


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