it's 9:20 pm, on October 14, 2005 - maybe because I lied when I was seventeen.


I have this thing where I am very superstitious about what neckace I wear to work. the one I wore today clearly had bad mojo working. maybe it's because I stole it from my sister.

you may think I'm joking but it was raining and so windy this morning it looked like the world was blowing up, and things just went downhill from there. work was hard, frustrating, and sucked, and culminated in a crazy homeless lady coming in to try and get us to design her a house, and then refusing to leave and wandering around the office and then into the bathroom where she locked herself in. I had to call security, and all of this happened while there was a client meeting going on in the boardroom - which, by the by, has huge glass walls facing the corridor she was shuffling down.

Damn you, little necklace! and to top those ten hours off, I had to have an akward train ride home with this girl I know solely from the train and who I haven't seen in about two months due to the fact that I avoid people on the train as I like to, you know, sleep. after getting home, I watched three hours of CSI, all alone, instead of Serenity because I didn't have a ride, and then the cat peed in my room.

why does it always rain on me?


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
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