it's 8:09 pm, on February 13, 2006 - "now self destruction--".


For those of you that are playing at home, I did indeed get up and work out today. But no coffee. I can also now tell you that pilates is stupid, or at the very least the pilates DVD I currently own is stupid.

Really, I just want the knowledge that I could kick the crap out of people. I don't need the 'toning' or the 'problem area workout'. I mean, maybe I do but it's not what I want. I want strength. I want ferocity. I want chocolate chip cookies.

Which is to say, I did work out this morning, but I still haven't done anything creative in three days. Though I took a photograph this evening. Tomorrow, I'll take two.

So, how I've been attempting to use this journal these days is to write down something, each day, about either my life, my thoughts, or my emotions that is personal and yet also mildly interesting to read for other people. Whether it be because of clever metaphor, interesting prose, or amusing anecdotes about me walking into walls - and believe me, there are more of those coming, I'm sure - I want some aspect of every entry to appeal to someone other than me.

Other than recounting the horror of having Rod Stewart stuck in my head all train ride, however, today's a bit of a bust for interesting or quirky anecdotes. Other than the computer at work fritzing out at three-thirty, leaving me machine-less and thus work-less, for an hour and a half, nothing really happened today. And I mean, don't get me wrong, the lack of computer made it legitimate that I was doing nothing all afternoon, but it's still not entirely newsworthy.

I think my aim is to document my daily sensations in a way in which it highlights that I'm progressing with my self-improvement goals. I suppose is my day to quote Tyler Durden.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
