it's 1:12 pm, on September 27, 2008 - purpose in life?.


most definitely update to p. wentzery:

sometimes I get this feeling that half the time, I'm spending my time reading and writing things about people's crazy ridiculously emotionally complicated lives, and the other half, I'm getting into trouble by leading a crazy ridiculously emotionally complicated life - and the living of a complex life is so that I can write it.

I told-- was it katy? I think it was Katy-- that I have a pretty strong belief that some people, when all is said and done, are basically meant to be alone on average. like, we may have intense relationships, and we may have people, but none of those people are ever going to change the fact that we are alone. we don't get married. we don't have best friends. we are a, a little leaf tossed around? a destructive tornado? hermits? emotionally unavailable? everything and nothing?

"you feel things too intently, and really wished you didn't."


ps: Saw Ryan Adams in concert. Didn't cry in public. Might have if I'd known all the words. he, like the counting crows, reminded me how I'm so not doing what I want to with my life, in that I'm not fully exploring my potential for completely fucking up slash writing about fucking up.


The current mood of at


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