it's 1:07 a.m., on 2001-05-10 - quiz me y'all.


See, I didn't know what I wanted to write about today. I found Te's online journal by accident, and immediately had shame over ever resenting her. I didn't read too much because there is voyeurism and then there is, having shame.

I don't feel. I have.

But then, rae's got this survey in her journal that she stole off Twiggy, and so I thought, why not steal it off her.

1. What is the funniest commercial ever?: That damned cool Jookie! commercial. Y'know, the fake cola that everyone wanted but no one remembered what the commercial was really for? "Jookie, jookie, it's a party in a can--" Anyway.

2. The most annoying thing ever?: More than one kind of sound. Like, tv/radio. Two kinds of music.

3. Who needs to take a plunge to the bottom of a well?: I like Rae's answer here, right wingers and Christina Aguelera. But she spelled that name right. --also, my high school french teacher. We actually had a list of people in high school that needed to fall down a well. Crazy assed karma, man.

4. Where are your morals?: Uh, probably making friends with Brian's.

--an aside. Go here. Just, do it.

5. What is the worst of the seven deadly sins?: Uh. There's, lust, and, gluttony, and avarice, and, uh, envy? I need to rent 'seven' again. Anger. Vanity. Something else. What's the last one?

6. Will you take it lying down?: More than likely. Depends who's dishin'.

7. The worst way to die: Suffocation. I have serious claustrophobic tendencies that way.

8. What will it say on your gravestone?: I don't want one, man.

9. Did you clean up your plate?: Probably not. I'm lazy that way.

10. What do you have to say for yourself?: You know me.

11. Who would you like to bathe?: I'd just like to say, Rae said 'chris kirkpatrick' and I'm going to have to shake my head at her next time I see her. Me? I don't know. Right now, Clea Duvall or Darla.

12. Your three favorite words: Cunt, motherfucker, and, um, cock. Thank you VERY much Chris, Toby, Brad Pitt, and Stuart. *sigh*.

13. The worst thing to hear at 3 a.m.: I, uh. Um.

14. What do you honestly think of the Spice Girls?: Ginger's my girl, baby. The rest are just posers. But I'd sleep with'em.

15. Oops, I did it again: Didn't get up until three.

16. Sex--alone or with a partner?: Any way you want it.


I'll continue this quiz later, but I just finished watching fight club with my father, and hell, yes, I'm in a fight club mood. I want to move to the downtown east side, sell my soul, and keep my body alive with shit food and noodles and nothing but nothing.

I don't know. I'm in a fight club mood. It means, I miss the shit car that took me everywhere, it means I wish I was a person that people wouldn't fuck with-- but I am.

People couldn't take me seriously. Not even if I had muscles like Brad Pitt.

And that's all I'll say about that. I'm going to put on some music and finish this quiz now.

17. Are you a 'people person'?: Nah. I'm a, a. Maybe I am. But don't people tell me that?

18. Are you a 'morning person'?: Depends. I love the morning, and I like getting up in the morning. But I do it so rarely that I forget this easily.

19. Are you a 'people in the morning person'?: Nah. I'm a coffee-in-the-morning kind of person. I want to be a starving artist, and this is one of my poser qualities.

20: Quote some great lyrics: Now, see, that's putting me on the spot. Because I'm most likely to quote the song of the moment, which is 'sugar high' by Coyote Shivers. "I have explored the deepest caverns of my mind, to try and find an explanation why, I get this funny feeling deep inside, when I lick between your thighs--" Which hey. Those are cool lyrics.

Finish the sentence....

21. If I had a hammer: Right now, since I'm in a fight-club mood, want to smash shit.

22. So I said to the man: ...this is sponaneous stuff. I can't just, come up with that.

23. The best things in life are: Yo, dude. This is a generalization. I'm not into those. I like specifics.

24. The grass is always greener: See above.

25. If you can't beat them: fuck'em.

Be honest, now....

26. If I could I would: --I don't know. It's the 'I want to be a gypsy but I'm too fucking scared' thing.

27. I shouldn't, but I have: fucked around with people while involved. Been fickle. Failed first year classes, for chrissake. Not taken help for depression. Ignored, lots of things. ...fucked around on Mike. Lost pack-rat qualities.

28. I can, but I won't: Ever get really awsome grades.

29. Ever been in jail?: Only when I was dreaming about being an asian soldier, and I was fucking this other guy in the bathroom stall. While we were at war.

30. Ever have to go to court for something you did?: Nah.

31. Ever do something that, if you had been caught, you would have served significant jail time for?: Uh. I guess, but everyone's a dealer in Vancouver.

32. Ever let someone else take the blame for something you did?: Course.

33. Have you ever had casual sex?: Yes.

34. Have you ever punched anybody?: Hell yes. I'm proud of it.

35. Is any part of your body fake?: Nope. I'm 100% whatever-I-am.

The best!

36. Do you like porn?: Depends. I like queer as folk.

37. Do you consider smutty fan fiction porn?: Depends on what else there is in the story and whether they have any talent. Porn isn't talented, that's what makes it porn.

38. If you could be with any two men/women who would they be?: Tara. Uh. Brad Pitt, but only if I could be on top. Um. This isn't fair. Angelina Jolie, and that girl that Jane st Clair has as Jubie in her 'imaging the X-men'. --I guess that was four.

39. If you HAD to have sex with someone of the same gender, who would it be?: Rock on! This is my kinda-- oh, um. Then, scratch what I said up there, put Brad Pitt and Chris Meloni, but only if I was on top. And then this would be Tara, Clea Duvall, Angelina Jolie, that chick that's Jubilee... ohhhh. And Cordelia Chase. I want to be her slave.

40. Do you think other people have more sex than you?: Probably.

41. If you could achieve total enlightenment through celibacy, would you? (Keep in mind that TRUE celibacy is no sexuality of any sort, even masturbation): There's no such thing. I'm in a fight-club mood.

42. If you could have your virginity back, would you take it? If you're a virgin, are you desperate to lose it?: I sure would take back the way I lost it, since I'd give back all the sex I had with men if I could-- oh, no, wait. My losing-my-virginity story is one of the best stories I've got. So nah.

43. What's the most bizarre thing that turns you on?: Mmmm... I dunno. Denny's. Bar bathroom stalls.

44. Have you ever used a picture for stimulation during masturbation?: Yeah, baby.

45. Have you ever fantasized about being a prostitute?: I dreamed about it. And, well, no, not really.

More finish the sentence....

46. I don't understand: boyband affection.

47. Surprisingly, I do understand: All those boys who watch Buffy and just, want to jack off. The way stars are born.

48. I'm trying to understand: I dunno. I'm an aspiring dyke-- I guess myself.

49. Do unto others: what you want. Your needs come first.

50. I know I'm not crazy because: it's futile thinking otherwise.

51. Finally, your last words will probably be: hey, now. That's another generalization. I want to put something crazyassed and smart in here, but it'll *probably* end up being something stupid, like, 'oh, that's where I put my car keys' or 'fuck me, that's it' or, y'know. Dopey.


That was an inherently dull quiz. I am a dull individual.


The current mood of at


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