it's 9:59 am, on September 10, 2001 - Ben affleck as achilles.


Lemme tell you what I was thinking on the way to school today, really quickly.

See, I have an hour or so, sometimes an hour and a half, before I get to school, just riding on the train and stuff. What I do with my time on the train is read, or, if I get nauseous, sleep. (I'm starting to get train-and-bus sick, hah hah. Amusing to me, yeah. Amusing and annoying, but anyway--)

What I was thinking today was, there could be a fucking *awsome* screenplay written. I think, if I knew how to do it, I would. I'd call it Troy.

I'm sure I've talked about this before, Ben Affleck as Achilles because he looks young-trying-to-be-old, Matt Damon as Patroclus because I have a thing for Patroclus and I have a thing for Matt/Ben slash; Julia Stiles as Andromache. Kevin Spacey, maybe, as that guy that gets yelled at, Thersites, or whatever his name is.

Can you imagine the battle scenes? Can you imagine the potential, if it was done right? Ben, kissing Matt's cheek. Swords clashing. The frightened bucking of the horses as all these powerful men ran into battle. --Julia Stiles, rosy-cheeked and innocent, standing at the top of the walls with a baby in her arms. Maybe I'm overreacting to the imagery of these powerful actors playing these powerful parts, but day-amn.

Can't you see it?

Anyway, this is what I'm thinking. I think, I should try and write this up as a screenplay -- or as a novelization, because I don't know what a screenplay would entail because I haven't ever written one. A novelization would work as well; going straight from the text itself, taking the dialogue from that, and adding in a few scenes where they mesh with Homer and the rest of the epic cycle. Because let's face it, there are a few places where Homer's narrative uses plot devices that are a little weak. And god bless him for it. I love Homer, and I understand how he was writing. But a few little tweaks here and there and it'd make a modern audience as wet as a classical one. It's perfect.

I have to go to my classical literature class now-- just thought I'd share the vision that I got while riding the train over the bridge: Ben Affleck, hearing the news of Matt's death. Screaming, howling, throwing himself to the ground and pouring dust all over himself. Getting his clothing covered in mud and bloody dirt; looking anguished. I think he's got just the face for it.


The current mood of at


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