it's 6:44 am, on March 11, 2002 - the aeneid.


So Sheila went to see *nsync tonight.

And I think this is the break I needed. Because, damn. she so sums it up: "Any world that can have them in it is an argument for the existence of a kind and benificent god". As she said, it was like seeing the face of god.

And you know why? Not because they're that much better than any other group. It could be any group, it could be anyone. We've picked them, and so them it is, and it is like looking into the face of god, a little, just a little. Looking into the sun, sideways. See, it's them, but it's also all of you.

See, she's had the experience I wish I had. Instead of it being this copy of a copy of a copy -- or rather, this startlingly clear originial instead of a copy -- it was pure joy for her. She's quoting me from her journal, and it's going, "they didn't have the mechanical bulls. They didn't have the hoardes of dancers. What they did have is pure, unadulterated joy".

Also: it is now quarter past three in the morning -- and I'm hungry, so let's eat.

I have...575 words left to discuss the Aeneid. I do not like this epic poem. It has all the bad parts of the Iliad -- wanton distruction and bloodletting, boasting, gratuitous references to fierce animals -- with none of the good stuff -- ie: Patroclus, and also the big Question of the morality and mortality in war. The Aeneid spells it all out quite nicely, in friendly big-print words so that all us good Romans can get it.

It also has all the bad parts of the Odyssey -- the long involved tales of wandering, lots of sailing, and random stops in random people's cities -- without all the good parts -- the bloodletting and magic. It does have the underworld, only it has a desperately dull underworld, with no great heros, just many parades of Romans-to-be.


And now it's quarter to seven in the morning, and I was going to relate What, exactly, I Learned From The Aeneid, except that "duty is more important than love" and "sailing is dull to read about" didn't fill up very much space, and looked very silly in a bulleted list.

It's six o'clock in the morning. --sing it with me now, I know you want to-- "and I'm hungry, so let's eat".

Finally finished this paper. It's eight pages of craptastic fun! There was even slash in the Aeneid, and I just didn't get my shit together, ended up having to write this shit topic. There goes my all-gay-porn year.

School is so much more interesting when you can relate it to gay porn, yes indeed.

Sheila! Love! *NSYNC! Love! Joy! Justin! Rumors abound! I care not. I am all with the joy. Also the naptime.


The current mood of at


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