it's 1:21 am, on August 10, 2002 - weird sensations.


Now that I'm not so maudlin and melancholy, I'll do a proper entry about my travels. Well, another entry, anyway.

This week has been all about weird sensations, I think. To cap it all off, of course, is my numb toes. See, after several tequila shots, it seemed like a good idea to grind up on some people in really tight sandals. The next morning I woke up with numb toes. Didn't think much of it at first, but now that I'm home, I went to the doctor. He says it's nerve damage.

The good news, it should heal. The bad news is, it'll take for-fucking-ever. So now my feet feel like the dentist just shot them full of Novocaine, and I can't dance. It's a weird sensation, walking as if I've only got half my toes, while the rest of them party on like they're high. I don't like it.

Other weird sensations include finally coming home, to a place where my tribe is scattered and already on the move away from me, rather than all in the same apartment; Will called me from work to ask how to work Outlook Express the other day. It's bizarre. Now that I've seen everyone I love, I don't really want to read journals or chat so much. I mean, I am chatting and I slowly am reading journals, but it's far less fufilling than before.

Okay, so it's not very bizarre. I miss people, nonetheless. I don't like it.

Re-watched the OZ episode where Keller says, "Sometimes I think I killed all those guys because I was trying to kill the part of me that I despised" right as some guy is giving him a blowjob. And then he snaps the guy's neck before he comes. It's a beautiful thing. Keller love, going strong. Keller will always be a part of my sky.

Woke up this morning thinking I had food poisoning. Pain so bad in my stomach I thought I was going to throw up; shaky, cold sweat, whole nine yards. Still ain't convinced I didn't have food poisoning. Etc.

Everyone I know is away on a great trek, when I've just come home from one. It feels like I'm just a little out of synch with the things in my life; god help me, I think I'm even going to look forward to school, at least for the first few weeks. Very weird sensation in that, I can tell you.

My foot is still numb. Goddamned nerves.

Productiveness, tomorrow, I think. Applying for jobs. Needing money. Trying to sort myself out. --except, no! Because M*A*S*H is on for ten hours tomorrow, which is very exciting, at least to me. Am planning on taping all of it. Mmmmm. M*A*S*H.

So goes life, forward and forward some more. Night, loves. See you in the morning.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
