it's 3:15 am, on December 06, 2002 - justin as moses.


So, before I forget: Kitty emailed me a picture of a street sign in San Francisco which said "end: jack kerouac". end. jack kerouac. He saw the word of god, didn't he? I could see him as a prophet.

Have I mentioned lately that justin is a beat poet in the not!AU? charles manson as a beat poet. we write our own mythology and it's all intertwined.

which segueways nicely into: Al also wrote me an email. hers culminated in the revelation "oh my god. The implications of my suggesting that you rewrite bible stories using pop icons just hit me. There's a . . . blinding . . white light . . ."

It's pretty much the best part to have come out of this whole fucking bible class, can I just say. Because I can see Justin leading the hoards of believing fans to the promise land. I can see him with a staff in his hand, turning it into a snake. I can see Britney handing Lance an apple. --Britney being the thing that opens Lance's eyes re: sex. that I can get behind.

it's certainly more interesting than:

Another detail found throughout the Bible which seems to have roots in Mesopotamian myth is the annointing of leaders. For example, Saul and David are both annointed by the prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 10.1 and 1 Samuel 16.13). The trend continues for most of the Israelite kings to be annointed as a symbol of their office.


Dreams within Mesopotamian myths are frequently interpreted in order to understand the gods' will; this is true of the Bible as well. In Gilgamesh, both Gilgamesh and Enkidu have dreams which are then interpreted.

which are paragraphs I discarded while writing this stupid paper. The paragraphs I kept included a comparison of Genesis to anything and everything Mesopotamian. including the sentence "the implication is that sexuality implies knowledge, and in both cases it is a woman who is responsible for 'instructing' a man." I feel dirty, like one of Those Women, who talk about myths in terms of women power and hippie-dom and are all about feminist theory in their days off. when we know that that's not true! I like to stare at breasts and objectify women, and am all about the gay sex in my time off. But this stupid essay wouldn't queer no matter how hard I tried, so we sit back on the good ol' feminist train. down with bras! up with Camile paglia! play the gender card for all it's worth!!

man, I feel so dirty. --hee. "dirrty".

But! Finished. Oh, thank the lord. Now I just have to remember who Nabonidus, Tiglath Pileser II, Nebuchadnezzer II, Nabopolassar, Asherbanipal, Esarhaddon, Sennacherib, and a whole bunch of other Assyrian and Babylonian kings, were. Not to mention all the Egyptian pharohs of the Middle and New Kingdoms. (Amnemenes I, Sesostris I, Queen Sobekh Nefru, Hyksos rulers, Kamose, Ahmose, Hatshepsut, Tutmosis III, the Amarna rulers: Akenaten, Tutenkamen, Ay, Horemheb. Ramesses I, Seti I, Ramesses II, Ramesses III. and on and on and on.)

Next term is the new testament which, thank Christ almighty -- literally -- is only three hundred pages, rather than a thousand. Not to mention I've already read and learned about much of the New Testament, due to my few years as a Baptist reform accolyte. (is that the word? thing. Reborn. Youth group had this guy I had a crush on. I went.)

you know, I don't think Jack Kerouac ends. I think that's a mis-nomer. Jack kerouac dies, maybe, but doesn't end.

to sum up my exam-preparation tonight?:

Britney glanced sideways at Lance. "You want a bite of my apple?"

He took it, shiny and red. "So what do you wanna ask me?"

She swung her legs out from the table, as he bit down. It was those kinds of affectations that she tended to cling to that made people thing she was so young. Lance should know better by now -- she wasn't young. She'd lost her virginity at fourteen on the back lot of a television show that children watched. "Tell me," britney said. "What do you think of Justin?"


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
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