it's 6:58 pm, on March 09, 2003 - teacher/student sex is always the best.


So I watched a really stupid movie today. Except I kind of loved it.

It was, like. a dumb serial killer movie. and I love serial killers, but this was half just girls screaming. But! there was this professor of serial killers. who was all, suave and somewhat Hannibal like? in his first lecture. only, he was scared. he was scared and nervous, and he'd lost his edge. So here was this brilliant professor, who connected with no one, talking about the sick fucks in society and profiling everyone. And there were some really amazing scenes, and once he said, "have you ever looked a serial killer in the eye? someone who likes to rape and murder young women, men? maybe little girls, boys? When you do, you realize he looks just like you, or I. He looks normal. And you realize that the only difference is that you have a conscience, that something inside of you is going 'oh god, oh god', that that line inside of you is the only thing that separates you from him. And it's a very. thin. line. And every day you wake up, desperately afraid that that line is getting thinner and thinner, and one day you'll wake up and find it's gone. But go on, profile your killer."

And he delivers this all in a very, very horrified, very underplayed way. it was a truely frightening scene, because you can tell that this is a man who's been hurt, and who's looked into that, and been so very, very disturbed by it.

And, yeah. I liked that scene. it was very Red Dragon-esque.

But, there's also this other scene (also with the professor!) with the girl the movie's focused on, who's a surviver of another serial killer and who's hurting, and desperate, and angry and all sorts of things. and really, she does a good job, but it's totally a bad movie. So imagine it, don't go and watch it. So there's this desperate young woman, angry and hurt, and the professor goes to her apartment after she's torn the place up? And he crouches down, very deliberately, and puts a hand on her back while she's crying. And they stand up, and he holds her, saying just, "I know."

which was all very erotic, in some weird way. So like, then, I'm all excited, because somehow this student/teacher relationship is working so well in my mind. It's hot, and it's weird, and they had a *lot* of chemistry, and all he's doing is holding her against his chest while she's crying. And I'm happy with the level of subtext that they've got.

And then the movie one-ups me. Because she pulls back, and there's some intense staring -- fabulously played scene -- and she says "let me in."

And then she takes off his shirt. And there are like, scars all over his back, and she says, "oh my god. he did this to you." because he was caught, by a killer once, and held captive for five days. And she traces his scars, looks at them as he has his head bowed, all fleeting and scared but perfectly still. So she walks around him, and then she pushes closer to him, and closer, and they move closer and closer. And it takes forever for them to kiss, because they're just standing, cheek to cheek, hesitent and desperate, as said before. Then they kiss.

anyway. just, the chemistry between them was played out very very well, and I don't know how such an amazingly hurt, intense -- SO intense -- scene was stuck in such a shitty movie.

The movie was called Ripper: letters from hell. Just for reference's sake. I kind of want a copy, just for the few scenes between her and the professor. Chemistry. erotic, fearful, attraction, comfort, and everything in between. I couldn't tear my eyes away.


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