it's 11:01 pm, on May 05, 2003 - quiz.


quiz time!! stolen, of course.

1.) Three little quirks you have that not everybody knows.

-I'm actually so not a touchy-feely person. like, at all. unless someone initiates contact, it's highly unlikely I'm going to pet anyone, or sit close to anybody, or anything. Not even people I know well. it takes a huge bout of courage for me to do so, each time I do it. but it's not very obvious, that I'm not touchy-feely, people tell me.

-I get juice cravings constantly. all out, must-have, lip-licking, full-on body cravings. like diabetic cravings. like what I must imagine smoking would feel like. they've been so bad I've actually opened tins of peaches just to drink the syrup inside, instead of tap water. I've gone out, walking in my pajamas, and spent my last two dollars on a bottle of juice at the gas station at five thirty in the morning, because I had to drink orange juice. I don't care what anyone says, water does not sate this kind of thirst.

-I love IKEA so much that my mum and I go there specifically to have lunch. my mum and I do a lot of very bizarre things together, though. my mum and I, and my sister and I even, all three of us get along far too well to be family. we even have the same fandoms in common.

2.) Three things people SHOULD know about you if they want to get along with you better.

-I'm the most awful roommate in the world. like, I get irritated with the stupidest things all the time, and I need my privacy and private space. I'm just very territorial when it comes to living space.

-if you criticise my driving or make fun of it while I'm in the car I'm liable to grind my teeth and get very irritable, very fast. Since I'm already exhibiting road rage at other cars, letting some spill over isn't a big jump.

-I have the most bizarre tv watching habits ever, and I would seriously rather watch wheel of fortune on mute than 99% of the shit on. and this impatience with tv will be so bad as to me walking out of the room, grumbling, or losing my temper at Survivor being on.

(can you tell the main theme here is "I have no patience! at all! fuck off!" ? yes. I thought you could.)

3.) Three pieces of obscure trivia (general trivia, NOT about you).

-spanish is the closest living language to latin.

-the largest serial killer trial in canadian history is currently being held right here in fabulous vancouver, and the man arrested for the fifteen (fifteen? they're actually suspecting about thirty or forty) deaths lived not two minutes from our condo.

-most professional pieces of literature produced in the Muslim world begin with the first words of the Koran: "in the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate". they've become a standard way of starting books, especially non-fiction.

(Can you tell where my areas of interest lie? yes, I thought you could.)

4.) One odd thing currently in your purse, wallet, or pocket.

-I have two nsync pocket calendars in my wallet from 2001. it's not really that odd, I guess, but it is quirky.


in other news: I dropped forensic psych. there was one class on stalking, one class on criminal profiling. The prof said she had a special interest in civil forensic psychology, which means a lot of child custody cases and injury claims. Hell no.

Fuck that shit. Give me Robert Pickton any day.


The current mood of at


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