it's 1:13 am, on May 19, 2003 - ephram is gay!!.


Anybody seen the WB's answer to Dawson's Creek, now that Dawson's Creek has ended, Everwood?  Good.

To prove that my four plus years of university is going to a good cause:

thissugarcane: Pacey/Ephram 4evah!
kosmicala: /me STARES
kosmicala: You're making my brain hurt...
thissugarcane: Ephram is the gayest.
thissugarcane: Ephram/Pacey!
kosmicala: But, Pacey's just not that gay. except when he is.
thissugarcane: he's not that gay. but he's gay enough for Ephram. who could make like. --well, okay, I can't think of someone who's not gay. But someone very straight. Ephram could make them gay.
kosmicala: he COULD.
kosmicala: And Colin's cheekbones are gay-making, too. *coughs*
thissugarcane: I'm all about Ephram and his pointy little chin, his Connor-esque pout, his trauma, his angular face... *swoons*
kosmicala: Connor/Ephram!
thissugarcane: Ephram/Gunn!!
kosmicala: Ephram/Wes! They could bond over their daddy-issues. Correction, Ephram/anyone-in-Whedonverse, they could bond over their daddy-issues.
thissugarcane: Ooooh. Ephram/Andrew.
thissugarcane: *brain melts*
kosmicala: Ooooo! Ephram/Simon. there's just that whole pesky, 'how to get Ephram go to the future' thing.
thissugarcane: Oooooh! Ephram/River!
thissugarcane: I know it's evil and het, but!
thissugarcane: so pretty! so doll-like! so angular!

I am getting a degree in mythology and literature of the ancient near east and mediterranean.  Ephram is gay!

You know, at one point I could journal for real. Real thoughts, semi-interesting thoughts. Apologies for anyone who doesn't, say, watch Everwood and is still actually reading this. See, the thing is? It's summer. I'm fucking bored.

No, really. I almost did laundry today I was that bored.

Music playing: The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance.

Current obsessions: everwood's Ephram. natch. AM 600, the retirement radio station.

No, seriously. every second song is Frank Sinatra, and every third ad is for retirement planning. It's amazing. I love it. I love it like I love old country.

Did I mention this summer is bored? At least my degree is going to go to good use. After all, we know what summer means: reruns.


The current mood of at


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