it's 4:36 am, on June 14, 2003 - freudian psychopathology dream interpretation game part I.


Let's call this the Freudian Psychopathology Dream Interpretation Game.

--losing one's shoes.  As in, repeatedly being unable to find your shoes within a dream. many dreams.

--having teeth fall out/pulling teeth out yourself.  Molars, specifically.  Only semi-painfully, but definitely bloody.

--dreams - I guess nightmares - wherein you dream you're hallucinating, and know it.  and you were there, and you were there.  no, I guess actually, Will and Monika were there. hallucinations including claws ripping through flesh, screeching like saws, and white noise. if that matters.

--damnit. I can't remember the next one. or any of the others. something about. I don't know. Claws. or shoes. or whatever. maybe I should start writing these nightmares down.


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