it's 5:32 am, on August 22, 2004 - dream.


what a weird dream. I blame Bryant and daniel, myself, since it begain (or at least included) a boat ride in venice.

first of all, we were on a gondola riding down the canal, and someone - the tour guide? it was a tourist gondola - was saying that the muslims had owned the waterway for years and years, because the christians had given it up and now they couldn't get it back. I'm paraphrasing, it was a whole long argument that I wasbarely listening to since was in a dream, after all.

then - no,before the canal - me, my sister, my cousin faya, and some guide, were walking through a long, long, flooded plain.  it was only a few inches underwater, and we were trying to make as little noise and as few ripples as possible. the plain ended up being about waist deep, and the guide kept raising everyone's back packs because these things were following us?I want to say vampires, but not usual vampires.  They were invisible.

so we get to the other side of the plain, and - I don't remember how we got from there to the canal. all along the canal, I remember though, the muezzen was playing.

so we finish the canal ride, only the end is going through a long pipe, like a huge empty sewer pipe, and coming to the edge of the city. so my mother, father and sister are all thre with me, and we come to the end of this pipe and get out of the boat, and the guides, whoever they were, say, "welcome to the new world".

it's a desert. there is an african tribe off to the tright, and a town to the left. right ouiside the - I guess they'd be the gates to the city of venice - were little stalls set up on blankets, things to buy. it's definitely an arab setting.  we take a few steps, and that's it, we're in what could have come straight out of egypt or iran.

so we're in this shop that I guess we own, or have rented, in this small market street in the town down the way. by this point vampires have definitely come into it and they're definitely invisible, I don't know why. something about one following me in a mall, and going through a door that didn't exist or something? anyway. one comes in and attacks my mother, and I stop it and then I say okay, we have to leave. now.

and then I go to the market to buy us some clothing that's good for travelling, and some other things to travel, because the next day we're going to have to walk out of there and head somewhere else. I remember arguing with the woman for clothing, one pair of the pants and two shirts apiece, except for my sister who was going home or something because she hated it so much. I remember I kept trying to pull my scarf up over my head and mouth so that I could blend in.

I don't konw, it was all very very bizarre.

the more I think about it, the more the dream sounds like something from turkey, or whatever, except the canal we were in (and whatever else happened before the arab market, maybe that's where the stuff in the mall with the vampire came from) was definitely Venice.

like I said. all Bryant and Daniel's fault.


The current mood of at


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