it's 11:52 pm, on November 27, 2004 - in the clouds.


I forgot to tell you about the 54-40 concert I went to lately with Rae and this boy I'm half-dating (which is a whole other story, but not really very interesting). the concert was a club show, in a place that's roughly the size of my living room. We were standing two people and an amp away from a band I've loved since I met Paris; it was one of those things.

We had a really great time, it was an absolutely fantastic show, and they played half-new pieces, showcased for the very first time for us. they're recording the CD in a few months.

One of the songs they played was about the last conversation the lead singer had with the old guitarist. The conversation happened 18 months ago. I had noticed that the guitarist looked different, but it had been a while since I'd seen them in concert and so I thought maybe he'd just changed, they all change, we all change, all of the time.

the chorus of the song had the line "so many lies". When I heard it, I felt such sadness for the band; how awful was it that they had to write such a song for a man they'd been playing music with for over twenty years. The band is older than I am, and they're still making music, they're still a local band and they're still not popular or famous enough to have to worry about security, or barricades. they can play a club show without fear or worry, and yet their guitarist left them.

I guess everyone ends up in the clouds sometimes, even Neil - I was thinking about this in the car today. We had the first blue sky in what feels like weeks, and I felt energized, I felt good. I made a to-do list and I intend to do some things on it. It's astounding what a little blue sky can do for me, and I really think - I have to do something about where I live because the weather is that much an environmental factor on my well-being.

that's what I want, just blue sky.


there hasn't been any poetry happening lately, nothing out of the ordinary, just another wet winter. I have no new coat. My laptop chugs along, and I think I finally have a text editor combination that nearly replaces notetab. Not as well as notetab, but eventually maybe I'll learn how to use it and it'll be fine.

There's nothing else on the home front - today in the car, I had a sliver of idea for something, possibly a rip-off from the barenaked ladies' song "another postcard". it was a full moon last night.


The current mood of at


what would sith be nostalgic about anyway - November 24, 2015
moving truck dilemma - October 28, 2015
- - July 19, 2015
- - July 01, 2015
bruise - June 29, 2015
