it's 1:00 am, on July 02, 2005 - me! me!.


1) Tell me about your mother.

I hate to say it, but my mother is a bit of a attention whore. well, I mean, she has, in the past, strung men along, and she is selfish. I mean, she would hate to hear that, because we all hate to hear that we're, in a word, a selfish species, but we are. so, my mother is human. it's something that is important for people to realize; all our mothers are human.

2)Describe 2005 in one word.


3) If you were hosting Saturday Night Live, who would you want the musical guest to be?

Right now I am all about Ben Lee, but I wouldn't want to subject him to SNL.

5)When was the last argument you were in?

for the life of me, I cannot remember.

6) What is your Mantra?

if you'd asked me a couple of years ago, I could have given you this, but I don't have one anymore.

7) A good nap or a good shit...?

this is a stupid question, except I can pull out daniel's quote out about me: "her default state is nap."

9) Who, of all your friends, would you want to get into a physical fight with?

Um, I've tried to do serious physical damage to at least one, at least twice.

12)Do you believe in psychics?

I believe in River Tam.

13) Favorite Ancient Empire.

This, now, THIS is a great question. I don't, of course, know; it would have to be the one that gave its citizens freedom, comfort, ease, and sexual promiscuity. Etruscan, I guess.

17) What is the most romantic thing you would want someone to say to you?

This is another great question, of course one I have equally no answer for. the things I find romantic tend to be, like, just. yeah. I don't know. I have this admittedly skewed sense of romance, wherein if it doesn't hurt, it's not real. the best way to make me think you're romantic is to keep me guessing.

21) If it happens within our lifetime, would you want to help colonize Mars?

You know, there's a reason I would say yes to this, and a reason I would say no to this. the reason I would say yes is, oh my god, all that solitude and seclusion. it would be a whole other PLANET. no one, NO ONE, would be around. that would be so amazing I have no words for it at all. I was trying to explain to my sister the glory of having a place to yourself where you're able to be outside and psychologically know that no one can see you or get to you - a place where other people don't know you exist. she didn't get it. but another planet? that'd be that feeling times a thousand. you could look on the whole world and NO ONE would see you. I crave that feeling.

of course there's the flipside, which is: I would most likely be terrified, to a phobic-level, of asphyxiation in space. I can't even handle going underground.

22) Do you kiss hello?

I haven't kissed anyone in. in. in probably, sad to say, as long as I haven't had an argument with anyone.

24) Would you rather be eaten by a crocodile or a shark?

See, when Vik answered this she picked "shark" because a shark has lots of teeth, and it'd just bite you and kill you quickly, right? but I've seen people live with their LIMBS BIT OFF, man. I think I'd rather drown, save for the aforementioned phobic fear of asphyxiation. but, dude, I would want to drown moreso than be gnawed on for hours on end. so, crocodile. I think.

25) Who are you really proud of right now?

My sister. she just graduated from high school and is going on to university in the fall.


well, that wasted at least twenty minutes.


The current mood of at


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