it's 9:11 pm, on March 17, 2008 - -.


lyrics off the new Counting Crows album I want to save for later:

And they say good morning we wish you would go home
You open windows and you wait for someone warm to come inside
and then you freeze to death alone

much later in the day, something I meant to say earlier and didn't: I have these fantasies about sending a cd to the four people in what was my caravan; a kind of coda to say "think I'd rather say I hate you in a freestyle", so to speak.

then I think about the line in Before Sunrise, about how you hope people who break up with you are thinking about you and just as upset as you are, when in reality they're just, 'see ya, glad you're gone!'; and realise the folly.



The current mood of at


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